
Mencía: Articles on an Amazing Grape Variety From Northwestern Atlantic Spain

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 Articles on the Mencía grape in Bierzo & in Galicia (Ribeira Sacra & Valdeorras):

All Photographs by Gerry Dawes.

Pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago in Vilafranca del Bierzo, Castle of Vilafranca del Bierzo

Godello Grapes

Mencía grapes.

Mencía grapes.

Ricardo Pérez tasting Corullon at Descendientes de José Palacios Bierzo.

Old vines vineyard near Corullón.

Plowing in the precipitously steep vineyards of Corullón
A mule is brought in especially for this task.

Vineyard worker in the Palacios's vineyards near Corullón take a vino break with a drink from a wine bota.

Corullón, Bierzo.

Sunset from Palacios's Moncerbal Vineyard in Corullón, Bierzo.