The III CineGourLand Festival will take place June 24 to 27 in Getxo (Bizkaia), just outside Bilbao in The Basque Country of Spain. The brainchild of the multi-talented Producer-Director Pepe Barrena will feature films on El Bulli, "I Served the King of England" (a Czech film about a waiter) and Tampopo, a 1985 Japanese film considered one of the best films of this genre.
Pepe Barrena, Producer-Director of CineGourLand
Presentations include Actor Juan Echanove's audio-visual presentation, "Materia Prima: Regreso al Futuro" (Raw Material [Food]: Back to the Future] about his "La Granja de Rosendo," farm project; Cómo Nos Ven" (How They See Us), in which several top Basque chefs will discuss how their cooking is perceived (Michelin, foreign and national reporting) outside the Basque Country; and “El crepúsculo de la crítica gastronómica” (Twilight of Gastronomic Criticism), in which several national and international food critics discuss the future of their profession.

"Armonías Trasgresoras," a lively give-and-take involving several of Spain's top chefs and Italy super-star, Carlo Cracco. The forum, in which the moderators, José Carlos Capel and CineGourland Director, Pepe Barrena, was one of the highlights of Madrid Fusión 2009. Photograph by Gerry Dawes ©2009.
Their will be samplings of designer pintxos (tapas) by some of the Basque Country's top masters of "cocina en minitura" or small-plate cooking maestros; "Los Vinos del Cine," a tasting of wines from film figures such as Gerard Depardieu, Carole Bouquet, Francis Ford Coppola, Michael Douglas, José Luis Cuerda, Antonio Banderas, etc.; cooking classes open to the public and an exposicion of photographs of "Los Platos Mas Bellos del Mundo," (The World's Most Beautiful Dishes) from such world-famous chefs as Alain Ducasse, Michel Trama, Ferrán Adriá, Juan Mari Arzak, Andoni Aduriz, Gualtiero Marchesi, Joan Roca, Quique Dacosta amd others.
Joan Roca's re-constructed beet with edible "dirt," a dish he was asked to defend during the "Armonías Trasgresoras" debate at Madrid Fusión 2009. Photograph by Gerry Dawes ©2009.
The high point of CineGourLand will be a dinner celebrating Los Premios “Cinéfilos y Gourmets” (Cinephiles & Gourmets Awards), which will be given to movie actors, directors, chefs, writers and journalists who have shown passion for both films and gastronomy (past recipients have included Geraldine Chaplin).
About Gerry Dawes
Gerry Dawes was awarded Spain's prestigious Premio Nacional de Gastronomía (National Gastronomy Award) in 2003. He writes and speaks frequently on Spanish wine and gastronomy and leads gastronomy, wine and cultural tours to Spain. He was a finalist for the 2001 James Beard Foundation's Journalism Award for Best Magazine Writing on Wine.
Mr. Dawes is currently working on a reality television
series on wine, gastronomy, culture and travel in Spain.
The information which you have provided is really interesting and worth. I am seriously impressed by your work. You have done a great job.
Dear Spanish Lover, I am sorry that I somehow missed your comment. I have been traveling extensively in Spain this year and I am far behind on my blog. Stay tuned for more good info from the Canary Islands, Galicia, The Basque Country, Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante and, especially, Ribeira Sacra.